Check out my new video still life work. On my Youtube Channel:
Gave my first reading from STROKE BOOK (coming in October from Fordham UP) as part of the UCI Medical Humanities Center’s Works-in-Progress Series: STROKE BOOK: The Queer Story of a Blindspot, by Jonathan Alexander — February 17, 2021 from 4-5 Pacific. Info here.
I’ve signed a contract with ACRE BOOKS (distributed by the U of Chicago Press) for what I’ve been thinking of as the third volume of the CREEP trilogy. The book is called SIGNS OF THE TIMES and is due out in 2022. I’ll be posting more about it here soon!
UCI Medical Humanities Event: Jonathan Alexander reading from STROKE BOOK
Please join us on Wednesday, February 17th, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. PST for our second Work-in-Progress presentation by Jonathan Alexander, Chancellor's Professor of English!
Work-in-Progress Series: The Work-in-Progress series provides faculty and students from around campus the opportunity to showcase their research projects that engage with the intersection of medicine, arts, and the humanities. This year, the center is featuring presentations by previous grant recipients to highlight the current state of their projects, to demonstrate the range of work that the center supports, and to create places of enriching overlap.
STROKE BOOK: The Queer Story of a Blindspot
"STROKE BOOK emerged out of a health crisis in the summer of 2019, and a need to think and feel that crisis through my sexuality, my changing sense of dis/ability, and my experience of time. At a basic level, the book, largely drafted in the immediate aftermath of the crisis (a minor stroke), chronicles a very mortal encounter with time, with my recognition that we are never not beholden to time, even as we often refuse opportunities to confront the feelings and realities of our beholdenness. But it is also a recognition that queer time has its own rhythms, fluctuations, and perversities. I experienced — and continue to experience — my health crisis in very particular ways, ways that I cannot disentangle from my experiences in this culture as a queer person. This book is a refusal to engage in disentanglement." - Jonathan Alexander
Jonathan Alexander is a three-time recipient of the Ellen Nold Award for Best Articles in the field of Computers and Composition Studies. His books have been nominated for various awards, including the Lambda Literary Award. In 2011, he was awarded the Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field of Computers and Writing Studies. From 2010-2013, Alexander was named a UCI Chancellor's Fellow in recognition of his scholarly achievements. In 2016, he was named a Chancellor's Professor.
Rimbaud Series
Now up on Instagram:
Entrance to Narnia...
…and other new mixed media work up on Instagram:
My editor at Fordham sent me a mock-up of the cover of STROKE BOOK. I’m a little in love.
Unknown Figure in Enchanted Landscape
STROKE BOOK collages
Been working on the final manuscript of STROKE BOOK, which I send to my editor at Fordham in a couple of weeks. Here’s one possible collage that might make the final cut.
11 Portraits now up on Instagram
STROKE BOOK finds a publisher
Good news. My new book, Stroke Book: The Queer Diary of a Blindspot, is slated to come out from Fordham University Press in fall of 2021. I’m THRILLED. Stay tuned for more updates.
CREEP: The Podcast...
…is in the works! Stay tuned!
Going live on FB today at 2 pm Pacific! TODAY!
You are cordially invited to cruise by a “front door” mini-concert by SECOND WIND (Susan C. Jarratt, flute / Jonathan Alexander, piano).
The musicians will be performing, near the door for your outdoor enjoyment, a short musical set of something baroque, something blue, something romantic.
Please wear a mask and distance as needed.
Second Wind
music for flute and piano
The Wayfinding Project
LOVE working on THE WAYFINDING PROJECT with my UC colleagues. Check it out:
The Wayfinding Project is led by a core of three University of California researchers: Carl Whithaus (UC, Davis), Karen Lunsford (UC, Santa Barbara), and Jonathan Alexander (UC, Irvine), who, over the past three years, have been engaged in a collaborative and multi-campus research project that examines the “writing lives” of UC students that are 3-10 years post graduation. The group has been particularly interested in the kinds of professional, personal, and civic kinds of writing that our alumni regularly engage in, as well as what kinds of knowledges about writing these alumni are developing after graduating. As they have analyzed their pilot data, the researchers have considered how the concept of “wayfinding” might help us understand how our graduates continue to develop as writers after graduation, building on and augmenting the skills strategies, and habits of mind learned on our campuses. The Wayfinding Project builds on findings from existing large-scale research projects within writing studies, such as Michigan State University’s “Writing, Information, and Digital Experience” (WIDE) study and the multi-campus work documented in The Meaningful Writing Project. Unlike these efforts, the Wayfinding Project is designed to attend to alumni’s experiences after they have left our campuses and are making transitions from collegiate to career and personal lives beyond their time as undergraduates. Currently, WP researchers have surveyed nearly 275 students from UC campuses and conducted in-depth focus group interviews with 22 participants — all of whom reflect the diverse population of a minority-majority state, and who also represent the various socioeconomic classes that attend UC.
WE ARE UCI podcast / E-Sports
Proud of this episode of WE ARE UCI with two e-sports entrepreneurs! In this episode, Hai Troung and I discuss a student e-sports startup with co-founders Adharsh and Manav. The conversation also includes a discussion around how they balance their business pursuits alongside a full-time undergraduate schedule.
Art on Instagram
Slowly building my Instagram presence with experiments in watercolors. Check it out:
WE ARE UCI: New Podcast!
Co-hosting a brand new podcast at UCI!
The Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL) at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) is launching a new podcast to feature the struggles and triumphs of UCI’s diverse student body to redefine student success. Hosted by Hai Truong, UCI alum and marketing strategist for the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and Jonathan Alexander, associate dean in the Division of Undergraduate Education and Chancellor's Professor of English and Informatics, the “WE ARE UCI: Student Success Podcast” will be launching later this Fall.
“We will provide a platform where the students can share their stories of strength and resilience,” says Associate Dean Alexander. “By amplifying their voices, we hope to inspire the entire Anteater community and encourage other UCI students to seek out opportunities. We also want to redefine what success as a student means in these changing times.”
Upcoming episodes will feature candid conversations with students about the personal, social and educational experiences that have shaped their pursuit of success at UCI.
“WE ARE UCI: Student Success Podcast” will be available to stream and download at iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts.
Thrilled to announce the publication of the THIRD EDITION (WOOT!) of UNDERSTANDING RHETORIC — with new content on rhetorical listening, fake news, and a deep dive into the radio broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS! Stunning art. Check it out:
Nigel Poor on Podcasting
Had a GREAT time hosting a UCI even on podcasting, with the inimitable Nigel Poor from EAR HUSTLE. Informative, innovative, inspiring. Check it out:
So pleased to introduce a new section of LARB called WRITING SEX, in which I host short interviews with major writers pushing the boundaries of the representation of sex and sexuality. Check it out, starting with my interview with Andrea Lawlor!