I’ll be reading from and discussing DEAR QUEER SELF at BOOK SOUP in WeHo! Tuesday, June 7 at 7 pm.
I’ll be reading from and discussing DEAR QUEER SELF at BOOK SOUP in WeHo! Tuesday, June 7 at 7 pm.
I’ve got a HOST of upcoming book talks and events — happening across the country in LA, NOLA, and NYC! Check it out under EVENTS! https://popularpublicity.com/current-projects/jonathan-alexander/
Check out my new essay at LARB: “The Ideology of Masturbation” — something a bit blue, yes, but critically so — https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-ideology-of-masturbation/
April 28, 2022 — 7 pm — PAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE bookstore!
DEAR QUEER SELF, published by Acre Books and distributed by the University of Chicago Press, is coming in March! For all the latest, including advance reviews, check out the publicity page for the book here: https://popularpublicity.com/books/dear-queer-self-by-jonathan-alexander/.
A really lovely write up about STROKE BOOK and BULLIED from UCI: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/SOH/calendar/story_details.php?recid=2774
Join us (remotely) at BGSQD in NYC, where I’ll be speaking with author Alex Espinoza about my two new books, STROKE BOOK and BULLIED!
SO excited to have Stroke Book: The Diary of a Blindspot finally out in the world. Available everywhere, but please order from Fordham UP to support the press: https://www.fordhampress.com/9780823297665/stroke-book/.
Jonathan Alexander's Stroke Book is a fascinating auto-theoretical essay on illness and queer sexuality through the prism of his own health crisis that occurred after he had a minor stroke, causing visual impairment and anxiety about his own mortality. Alexander''s aphoristic style combines bits and pieces of phenomenological reflection with social and cultural analysis, creating a kaleidoscopic portal into the experience of stroke and its aftermath.---Lisa Diedrich, author of Indirect Action: Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, AIDS and the Course of Health Activism
Jonathan Alexander has given us an unexpected gift: an intimate performance of phenomenological writing that refuses the drive to process and package a life-altering experience of illness, embracing instead the daily imbrication of undependable vision, uncertain prognosis, and robust, resilient desire. Like the survival of its author in the wake of a sudden stroke, this book is a minor miracle.---Patrick Anderson, author of Autobiography of a Disease, and So Much Wasted
— now live at LARB! New interviews with Jenn Shapland, Jack Halberstam, Malinda Lo, Doron Langberg, adrienne maree brown, Micah Nemerever, Alex Espinoza, and Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore. Check it out: https://www.lareviewofbooks.org/contributor/jonathan-alexander/
…added to my YouTube channel. Check them out!
Delighted to be offering the “Rhetoric and Life Writing” workshop (with my colleague and collaborator Professor Katherine Mack) next week (June 1-4) at the Rhetoric Society of America’s biannual institute. More info here: https://rhetoricsociety.org/aws/RSA/pt/sd/news_article/298458/_blank/layout_details/false.
Here’s the mock-up of the second volume in the CREEP TRILOGY, BULLIED: The Story of an Abuse, coming this fall from Punctum Books.
Check it out. This will be the primary launch site for the CREEP TRILOGY and its accompanying podcast.
Check out ALL of the WRITING SEX interviews @. LARB: https://lareviewofbooks.org/sections/writing-sex/
an online symposium
Friday, April 9, 2021
“Queer Utopias” is a one-day celebration of the forms, modes, and styles of happy queer placemaking. In a historical present dominated by contestations over the future of political life, claims and counterclaims to hidden knowledge, and the inflammatory effects of paranoia, this symposium highlights those hopeful experiments of the past and present whose legacies of pleasure, ease, care, and joy might inspire future experimentation and maybe, by doing so, remake the world.
10 am Pacific
Panel: “Horizons of Queer Utopias”
Jayna Brown, Pratt Institute
Jill Richards, Yale University
Alexis Lothian, University of Maryland
Noon Pacific
Film Screening: ONCE A FURY
1:30 pm Pacific
Post-Screening Discussion with the Director
Jacqueline Rhodes, Michigan State University
2:30 pm Pacific
Roundtable: “Utopias Cruised: Thinking With — and Beyond — Muñoz”
Jules Gill-Peterson, University of Pittsburgh
Timothy Oleksiak, U. of Massachusetts, Boston
Seth E. Davis, Curry College
Sherryl Vint, U. of California, Riverside
Hosted by Rebekah Sheldon, Indiana University,
and Jonathan Alexander, U. of California, Irvine.
Sponsored by UCI School of Humanities;
UCI Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies; IU Department of English.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Apr 9, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Queer Utopias
Register in advance for this webinar:
Check out PHASE SHIFT, an evolving body of video work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8d6RZPvUU5AmWAnkDI3kjewQaFmZmC2R
Here’s the video from my reading from STROKE BOOK (my first reading from this book!) as part of UCI’s Medical Humanities’ WORKS IN PROGRESS series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp97-ICDjy8
Today LARB is releasing a new collection of interviews in my Writing Sex series, featuring Sigrid Nunez, Julietta Singh, Adib Khorram (with special guest interviewer Nasrin Rahimieh), Michael Nava, Zaina Arafat, Andrew Durbin, and McKenzie Wark. Find them all on LARB's YouTube channel or at https://lareviewofbooks.org/av.